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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's Easy Being Green

Being green is all the rage these days. Seems like it happened faster than it takes to pump a dollar’s worth of gas. Who was talking about being green three months ago?

Now, everywhere you turn, some company trumpets their latest earth-friendly initiative, or tells you how you can join the “revolution.” My credit union has a “green” url, according to their Web site. Isn’t the Internet inherently “green”? It eliminates the need for paper, stamps, gas to go shopping, and energy for phone calls. (Okay, that last one is tongue-in-cheek.)

I remember when being “green” was ugly. It meant you were unreasonably jealous. No one would admit to having this weakness, and if you were accused of it, you would get even more upset.

Then, of course, there were the little green men from Mars. And you certainly didn’t want to claim that distinction.

Not that I have a problem with saving the earth. After all, “the earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it" (Psalm 24:1, NIV). We should do all we can, within reason, to preserve natural resources and protect the environment.

It’s just that I wonder why so many people can become evangelists for creation, but they’re ashamed to speak up on behalf of the Creator. They’re eager to learn ways to save energy, but few are willing to go out of their way to know the Savior.

Jesus promised, “Stand up for me against world opinion and I'll stand up for you before my Father in heaven. If you turn tail and run, do you think I'll cover for you?” (Matthew 10:32-33, MSG). I pray that you will be willing to stand up for Christ against world opinion, so that He won't be ashamed of you when your life on this earth is over.

1 comment:

sarah979c said...

It's easy to be green- our grocery store now has cloth type bags for $.99, so I try to buy one each time I'm n there- I now have 4- which is better than all the plastic bags I have laying around my house!! About 3-4 dozen! Turns out the cloth-type bags are made of plastic as well! They probably made them from the plastic shopping bags I turned in to 'recycle.' Should I really have to pay for them then? Since they were my plastic bags to begin with?? LOL